Monday, February 18, 2013

A peculiar obsession

They say writing is a skill, a hobby, an art.  I defy them all and call it an obsession!  While it is true, anyone can write, few are those who write well and fewer still are the works composed that are worth the reading.  I suppose the same can be said of any activity, be it basketball or basket-weaving.  There are myriad thousands that do it because they enjoy it, but there are only those few that perform their art at a master's level.  Of course, there are varying opinions and tastes as to what is and is not a fine piece of literature (or work of art, piano performance, etc.).  In this day and age, anyone can publish an e-book if they take a few moments to put their thoughts onto virtual paper and upload it to the virtual universe.  It is quite gratifying to see one's hard wrought words glowing before you on some e-reading device.  Much as any second-grader delights in their finger painting!  The day of limited literary choices are over; it is a bountiful time for writers and readers alike, with literally millions of new works to choose from, and countless old favorites now available online.  So if you are of that strange sort that MUST write, it is a wonderful time if you have ever dreamed of being published (albeit that does not translate into being read!) and never has it been easier.  If you are solely a lover of writing, bon appetite!  

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