Tuesday, December 26, 2017

More to watch!

If you've exhausted your list of holiday classics already and need something quality to watch, while the in-laws sleep off their food coma, i.e. a movie with both substance and good production, here's a list I'm eager to try!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What to watch, oh what to watch?

Here's a neat little flow chart to figure out what to watch with whomever this holiday season, and while I haven't seen all the films (and have a peculiar loathing for one in particular), they hit the nail right on the head enough that I thought I'd share this handy little tool and perhaps spare you some holiday stress, enjoy!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Bah Humbug Revisited

Need something besides the fiftieth installment of intergalactic angst or a plotless CG panoply of obnoxiously singing animated characters at the cineplex this Christmas?  I have yet to see it, but this film on the life of Charles Dickens looks like fun!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Venture forth but be prepared

You'd better be listening to some good Christmas music as an antidote to all the bad stuff flooding the atmosphere this time of year, otherwise your head will explode, it will, just ask the Surgeon General! 'Santa Baby' should not be endured without a good fortifying dose of Handel's 'Messiah' or the Nutcracker Suite, not that it should be endured at all, but you can't escape hearing it somewhere, unless you put yourself into solitary confinement until Easter, and while you're locked safely away, what better way to pass the time than with some actual music?  Either way, it is win win!