Tuesday, September 25, 2018

New book coming out!

Strike up the band, order a cake and a dancing kangaroo!  The event of the season is upon us folks, 'Legends of Shadow' comes out Sept. 30th, also watch for an update for Amazon and the complete set as I haven't got around to those yet.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cover release!

Here's what nobody has been waiting for (no, not the November midterm elections!): the cover of my new book, set to come out as soon as I finish it.  Which should be sometime this century...

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

2/3 Done

Well, the book is coming along, hopefully in the next month or so there'll be a new arrival (that no one will ever read...).  But as long as you are reading something, that's quite alright!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

At long last!

It's official, or as official as anything gets when one is a self-published no-name author (not to mention cover designer, editor, and in charge of publicity!): there's a new book coming out.  I'm working on a compilation of short stories from my 'In Shadow' series, so start counting the days.  I've got to go do a huge interview on this much anticipated new release...as soon as I self-publish a literature magazine!