Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Out of Genre?

 I'm a writer of fairy tales, legends, myths, so why am I writing something completely different?  That's a great question and one I'm still trying to answer!  I've always found the modern world a little dull and drab and no place for a real story, whereas in the land of faerie, the rules and history and environment are all mutable, but in the real world what you see is pretty much what you get.  But then I remembered that many of the classic books I love are set in the real world, albeit in a time and place foreign to my modern sensibilities, but still they are about realish characters with real world problems in a place and time that actually existed.  Jane Austen wrote about contemporary life!  So how do I make a book interesting set in a world most people call mundane?  Jane Austen managed it, writing with cunning wit about the world she knew, so I should probably write about what I know, at least as a basis, and hopefully with a smidge of the wit with which Miss Austen was blessed, but I can't help but add a little bit of the fairy tales I love too.  Now the problem is classifying the thing.  To me it seems like a mash up between Frank Peretti, a Hallmark movie, and the Greylands, can I really write such a thing as a thriller?  I guess we'll see, I should have the first book out in a few weeks, the second is already started, this could be quite an adventure! 

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