Tuesday, March 3, 2020

'Tis Lent!

A few years back my sister gave up pants for lent (she wore skirts!) which I thought was weird, as the whole point of 'fasting' during lent is to give up something that you really like to remind yourself that 'from dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return.'  Thus giving up broccoli for lent would not be an appropriate exercise as I hate the stuff.  My sister really likes skirts and she's not Christian, so that's that!  Then there's the whole rainbow glitter movement, which mixes rainbow glitter with the ashes on Ash Wednesday, which is supposed to be the beginning of a season of contemplating our mortality and sinful nature and the cost of our redemption, a day of mourning and solemnity, instead we're going to joyously celebrate a modern lifestyle choice which is antithetical to the traditional teachings of the movement?  Alrighty then!

I don't personally fast from anything, in fact this time of year I tend to get obsessed with (or perhaps possessed by?) certain music, often a particular song, that I can't get out of my head and have to learn on the piano and vocally and then torture our long suffering community with at our community Good Friday service.  This year's choice is 'King of Kings,' (Hillsong), go check it out and enjoy!  Though some modern observers of this season might perplex me, at least they are still writing music that gets right to the heart of the matter and reminds us that no matter how society or culture may change or appropriate certain things, the Truth, 'will not kneel, will not faint!'

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