Monday, August 5, 2019

Oh, that she had lived!

The guy who brought us Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy is at it again, apparently he's attempting the impossible, namely to finish Jane Austen's final work, 'Sanditon.'  Find the news blurb and preview here.  I've read some pretty awful Jane Austen sequels, so I am wary of anyone messing with the 'canon' but if anyone can, I suppose this gentleman can be trusted, but then I thought the same of Tolkien: the 'Lord of the Rings' movies were amazing, the Hobbit not so much, and those were finished works.  But whatever comes of the movie, you should at least familiarize yourself with the book itself, here.  It begins so very well and ends just as it might get interesting, oh that she might have lived to finish it!  While the plot isn't very exciting (what Austen novel is?) her social wit cuts like a knife.  Enjoy!

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