Monday, November 11, 2013

Regarding certain forms of literature

I just read the most horrible story, but then I am not sure it was a story at all, in that it had no plot, very little characterization, and was pretty much pointless.  I have just begun exploring this literary trope and in general have been pleased with the results, but as in all literature, I suppose there are good and bad examples and this exemplified the latter.  What is this exciting new genre?  Those in the know call them 'board books,' yes, this is my new attempt at literary exploration, those books with 5 hard pages emblazoned with colorful kittens and firetrucks made for the 4 year and under market.  Welcome to motherhood!  I was impressed that one example used the word 'cavort,' many adults do not use that word yet here it is in very juvenile literature, it was wonderful.  This other example was choppy, had no point, no plot (yes, even these microbooks must have some sort of plot), and was not charming in any sense of the word.  Even the writers of books for toddlers require good editors.  As in all things, we must use discernment, but it is amazing how many good ones there are for only containing 27 words and 6 pages, that is an achievement indeed.  At least I can say I have managed to read something lately!

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